Marvel Family Villain
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 5' 9" |
Weight: | 120 lb. |
Hair: | Bald |
Eyes: | Black |
Base of Operations: | An unknown planet in the galaxy |
Notable Powers: | Mental Telepathy |
First Appearance:
The Marvel Family #80
(Feb 1953)
The Marvel Family and The Ghastly Space Ghoul
Last Cataloged Appearance:
The Marvel Family #80
(Feb 1953)
The Marvel Family and The Ghastly Space Ghoul

The Space Ghoul came to Earth with one goal: exhume the bodies of dead humans and feast on the decaying flesh! Due to its humanoid features, the Ghoul was able to trick the Marvel Family into thinking it was benevelent. The Space Ghoul also convinced the Marvel Family that its pursuer a ghastly looking creature named
Klarz was in fact the ghoul. The Marvel Family eventually figured out their error captured the Space Ghoul and apologized to Klarz!