Marvel Family Villain
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 6' 2" |
Weight: | 215 lb. |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Blue |
Base of Operations: | Fawcett City |
First Appearance:
Captain Marvel Adventures #139
(Dec 1952)
Captain Marvel Fights Captain Marvel!
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Captain Marvel Adventures #139
(Dec 1952)
Captain Marvel Fights Captain Marvel!
Niatpac Levram is Captain Marvel spelled backwards!

Niatpac Levram was the creation of the devilish
Wizzo the Wizard! The wizard created Levram as a mirror duplicate of
Captain Marvel by casting a spell and animating Cap's image from a mirror. Wizzo used Niatpac Levram to wreak havoc on Captain Marvel's city for the sole purpose of graduating from the School of Black Magicians! Cap was able to defeat Wizzo and send Nia back to the mirror universe!