Marvel Family Hero
Alter Ego: | Billy Batson |
Height: | 5' 7" |
Weight: | 285 lb. |
Hair: | Red |
Eyes: | Blue |
Base of Operations: | Brooklyn, NY |
Pre-Crisis Affiliations: | The Lieutenant Marvels |
First Appearance:
Whiz Comics #21
(Sep 1941)
Captain Marvel and the Vengeful Four
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Trials of Shazam #2
(Nov 2006)

Brooklyn, New York has its own Billy Batson and he traveled to Station W.H.I.Z. with two other Billy
Batsons, one from the west and one from the south, to visit the "real" Billy. To clear things up, the
western Billy suggested he be called "Tall" Billy, the southern Billy was renamed "Hill" Billy and
Brooklyn's Billy was given the title "Fat" Billy. At the "real" Billy's suggestion, all four Billys
formed the Billy Batson Club.
The nefarious Dr. Sivana hatched a plan to kill the "real" Billy Batson and sent his henchmen to find
out where Billy lived. Sivana's goons mistakenly found the other Billy Batsons instead and captured
them. Sivana used them as bait to trap the real Billy. Sivana and his henchmen gagged Billy and tied
him and the other Billys to a buzzsaw. Billy was able to remove his gag but his shout of "Shazam" could
not be heard over the roar of the buzzsaw. With seconds to spare, Billy enlisted the aid of his club
members and they all shouted "Shazam" together!
When the smoke cleared, Captain Marvel saw that the other Billys had transformed as well into Tall
Marvel, Hill Marvel, and Fat Marvel. Hill Marvel remarked that they had changed into Captain Marvel but
Fat Marvel countered that by saying that there is only one Captain Marvel. Tall Marvel suggested that
they were really second lieutenant Marvels and that's how they got their name: The Lieutenant Marvels.
The Captain and his three Lieutenants easily mopped up Sivana and his henchmen. After shouting "Shazam"
and transforming back into their civilian identites, the three Billys headed back home.
Sadly, the Lieutenant Marvels were
retconned out of existence during the
Crisis of Infinite
Earths and haven't been seen since.