Marvel Family Villain
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 5' 2" |
Weight: | 98 lb. |
Hair: | Red |
Eyes: | Blue |
Base of Operations: | Fawcett City |
First Appearance:
Shazam! #5
(Sep 1973)
The World's Toughest Guy!
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Shazam! #5
(Sep 1973)
The World's Toughest Guy!

Rowdy Sparkle became "The Toughest Guy in the World," after reading a book titled "The How-To-Do-Everything Handbook." Rowdy's natural rudeness caused him a run-in with Captain Marvel. Cap was able to subdue Rowdy by destroying the handbook. Rowdy has a cousin named
Sunny Sparkle who is known as the nicest guy in the world!