Alter Ego: | Billy Spafon |
Height: | 6' 2" (as Cap) 2' 9" as Billy |
Weight: | 215 beefy lbs. (as Cap) 45 lbs. (as Billy) |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Blue |
Notable Powers: | Captain Marbles' magic word grants him the following powers:
S | trength |
H | ealth |
A | ptitude |
Z | eal |
O | x, power of |
O | x, power of another |
M | oney |
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Mad #4
(Apr 1953)
Artist Alex Ross drew inspiration from "Superduperman" when he was plotting what was to become the ground-breaking DC mini-series KINGDOM COME by having Superman and Captain Marvel battle one another.

When Billy Spafon speaks the name "Shazoom" -- he is transformed into a parody of the World's Mightiest Mortal -- Captain Marbles!
Captain Marbles fought Superduperman in a story that was inspired by the court battle between DC Comics and Fawcett Publications which was waged over National Periodical Publications' contention that Fawcett Publications Captain Marvel was too similar to their Superman.