Marvel Family Supporting Cast
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 5' 2" |
Weight: | 98 lb. |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Blue |
Base of Operations: | Fawcett City |
Notable Powers: | Because he's so nice people give him presents |
First Appearance:
Shazam! #2
(Apr 1973)
The Nicest Guy In The World
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Shazam! #26
(Dec 1976)
The Case of the Kidnapped Congress

Sunny Sparkle is known to all as "The Nicest Guy in the World!" There is just something about Sunny that makes people want to give him things. Sunny only takes the presents because he doesn't want to make people feel sad if he refuses and he always donates the gifts to charity. Sunny has a cousin named
Rowdy Sparkle who is the exact opposite!