Marvel Family Villain
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 6' 2" |
Weight: | 340 lb. |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Black |
Base of Operations: | North Korea and his orbiting space station. |
Notable Powers: | Above Average Strength and Intelligence. |
First Appearance:
The Marvel Family #78
(Dec 1952)
The Marvel Family Battles The Red Star of Death - Chapter One: The Red Vulture Strikes
Last Cataloged Appearance:
The Marvel Family #78
(Dec 1952)
The Marvel Family Battles The Red Star of Death - Chapter Three: Death in Outer Space

The Red Vulture was North Korea's mightiest warrior against the Allied Forces during the Korean War. The Red Vulture's secret weapon was a mighty space station, in the shape of a colossal red star, that could rain giant fireballs down on the U.S. troops and her allies.
The Mighty Marvel Family came to the aid of the Allied Forces and battled and defeated the Red Vulture and destroyed the Vulture's mighty space station. The Marvel Family turned The Red Vulture over to the U.S. troops in Korea and he has never been been heard from since.
Note: The Red Vulture was created in a time when racism was more overt in society and popular culture both consciously and unconsciously. The Red Vulture is included here for historical purposes.