Marvel Family Supporting Cast
Alter Ego: | |
Height: | 6' |
Weight: | 1 ton |
Hair: | None |
Eyes: | Light bulbs |
Base of Operations: | Fawcett City |
First Appearance:
Captain Marvel Adventures #125
(Oct 1951)
Captain Marvel and the Mechanical Man of Mystery
Last Cataloged Appearance:
Captain Marvel Adventures #129
(Feb 1952)
Captain Marvel and the Robot Hunt

Sterling Morris and Billy Batson placed a Help Wanted ad for a new man at Station W.H.I.Z., they were very surprised when a robot applied for the job. Timmy Tinkle, the robot, was the invention of Ivan Derook. Derook released Tinkle from servitude so that the robot could have his freedom and get a job. After a series of daring robberies,
Captain Marvel caught Timmy Tinkle red-handed breaking into a safe. Thinking that the robot had turned evil, Cap clobbered the robot into submission. While dismantling Tinkle, Cap discovered a remote control device inside the robot and decided to leave it on to see what happened. Cap followed Timmy back to Derook's lab where he discovered that Derook had been using Timmy to commit robberies. Cap captured Derook and disconnected Timmy's remote control. Now completely free, Tinkle continued to work at Station W.H.I.Z.