The Beginning...
In a remote section of Siam near the Burmese border lies a desolate volcanic island which has for centuries been
taboo to white men -- The Valley of Tombs!
To this realm of mystery, jealously guarded by native tribes unconquered since the dawn of time, has come the
Malcolm Archeological Expedition to find the lost secret of the Scorpion Dynasty.
Professor John Malcolm leads an expedition, into a remote
section of Siam, near the Burmese border. His mission: to
discover the secret of the Scorpion Dynasty. Accompanying
him on this quest are Billy Batson, star reporter of radio station
WHIZ, Betty Wallace -- Malcolm's secretary, Tal Chatali,
Prof. Bentley, Prof. Lang, Carlyle.
Ramon Bar, leader of the local tribesmen threaten the expedition
with the Curse of the Scorpion -- that no white man shall
desecrate the Valley of Tombs. Tal Chatali meets with Ramon
Bar to dispute his claim saying that Mount Scorpio would erupt
if such a desecration were to occur.
Malcolm and his expedition make it to the Valley of Tombs and
discover a tablet with a strange inscription. Tal Chatali translates
it. Again it is a warning to leave the tomb alone. Both Billy Batson
and Tal Chatali decide to that they'd rather not enter.
The expedition enter the tomb and discover a golden scorpion artifact.
In each of the Scorpion's claws and tail is a lens. As
the expedition align the lenses, the scorpion causes a mighty explosion
trapping them in tomb.
In another area of the tomb, Billy Batson is led into a secret passage
where he meets the mighty Shazam! Shazam bestows
upon him the powers of Captain Marvel. When Billy speaks the name of the
ancient wizard, he is transformed into Captain
Marvel, world's mightiest mortal. Shazam explains Captain Marvel's mission:
to protect the golden scorpion from the evil of
Shazam diappears and Captain Marvel is left to rescue the expedition. After
moving the rock that trapped the expedition
members, Captain Marvel changes back to Billy. The expedition members decide
that each one will be entrusted with a lens
so that the golden scorpion not fall into evil hands.
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